Many improvements

My brother is getting much better.  He is young and strong and recovering quickly.  He has been able in the last few days to get up and walk around the pulmonary ward.  We are waiting for his blood work to come up to the levels that the doctors would prefer before being released, so he is still in the hospital.  He was able to shower and shave today and was taken off of supplementary oxygen all day long.  We hope he will be released on Tuesday and we will try to fly back some time on Friday, taking things in short 2-3 hour trips with a 2 hour layover in between.

I’m glad to be here supporting my brother, but I would really love to be home, where it is fall and the leaves are orange and red and yellow.   I asked my brother today, “Why couldn’t you get sick in late November or February when I am fed up with all of the rain and the short days?  Why did you have to do it during my favorite part of fall?  I insist that you don’t do this again.”  He agreed.  We’ve been having fun playing cards and watching TV and movies.

I got the seasonal flu vaccine on Sunday and have arranged to get the H1N1 some time on Tuesday.  The local health department was very understanding of my situation.

I miss MrBeep very much.  He checks on me and the monsters, he sends me texts and emails and photos.  Today I got this one with the message “lovely clouds for a lovely girl”. 


The water is Puget Sound.  How I miss the smell of wet mossy earth, I miss my MrBeep. 

13 comments on "Many improvements"

Clare on October 27, 2009 at 1:27 AM said...

Glad to hear your bro is doing better. Sounds like you've had one hell of a week - take care of yourself! Hope you get to home soon xx on October 27, 2009 at 5:48 AM said...

Oh, distance makes the heart grow glad such love exists between you and MrBeep.

And I am so happy to read about your bro's progress.

You stay good.

Mrs. Gamgee on October 27, 2009 at 6:10 AM said...

Oy... you tagged this as a vacation post? You silly girl! I don't think you are relaxing on a beach, drinking out of umbrella festooned glasses...

I'm very glad that your brother is doing better, and hopefully you both will be on your way home soon.

I'm sorry you are missing autumn in the PNW. I remember loving it!

One Who Understands on October 27, 2009 at 7:31 AM said...

So glad to hear your brother is getting better! And hallelujah you are getting all of the vaccinations done.

So you have mentioned this min-IVF to me before. What is it and how do I do a mini-cycle?

Kate on October 27, 2009 at 7:44 AM said...

So glad he's turned the corner and you'll be heading home soon. Take care!

Photogrl on October 27, 2009 at 8:48 AM said...

I'm glad he's healing quickly.

And that the two of you can joke!

Beautiful clouds.

Hope you're back home with Mr. Beep soon!

K on October 27, 2009 at 2:48 PM said...

Great news...what a relief. And it's so great that you can be there with him.

Sunny on October 27, 2009 at 7:43 PM said...

If it makes you feel better, it hailed today.


Although maybe not in your area of the city -- I was listening to the radio and heard the DJ say that it was a dry day today and would be tomorrow. Guess we were just lucky.

Glad your brother is doing better. Hopefully you'll be back in the arms of your loving MrBeep very, very soon. :)

Mad Hatter on October 28, 2009 at 11:43 AM said...

What a beautiful picture and text to receive from Mr. Beep. So nice that you can be there for your brother and that he is recovering well...Thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

so glad things are going well for you-check this out:

Kate on November 2, 2009 at 8:27 AM said...

Hope your brother is home comfortably and healing-- that sounded so incredibly scary.
And you! Happy scan today, keeping my fingers crossed for all good news.
big love,

Anonymous said...

I really hope your brother is getting better, and that you're doing okay with all the traveling!

I've nominated you for an award on my blog:

JJ on November 2, 2009 at 8:55 PM said...

Been thinking of your brother, you, and the many hugs for you!!


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