I flew back from Florida with my brother very early on Friday morning. I managed to get a H1N1 flu shot from the county health dept folks (who were so nice to appreciate my situation and offer to help). I received the shot on Tues afternoon so I felt much better flying on Friday. I was still extra careful in washing my hands and using sanitizer. My brother is doing much better and is able to walk around on his own. He had to take a break while walking from one terminal area to the other at the Houston airport, but otherwise made the trip without problems. His wife and kids were really happy to see him returned safely. He wore compression stockings during the flight, got up and walked around and also did leg exercises. I managed on the last day and during the flights home to get him hooked on Heroes Season 1. I also got a nephew hooked.
I feel out of touch as blogger was blocked by the hospital wifi and I have spent the last 2 days in the wifi void at my grandparents house. I am currently typing this entry on my Palm Pre cell phone, so please forgive any blatant errors. I plan to fly home to Seattle on Friday. I will ask for an appointment with DocO first thing since I had to cancel my first ultrasound that was supposed to be today. :-( I am sooooo curious and anxious to find out what is happening and whether or not I am still pregnant. I think I am. Here's the symptom list:
* Occasionally very sore boobs
* Slightly darker hue/sensitive nipples
* Weighty full feeling in uterus
* Crazy tired falling asleep in a chair even after 8 hours sleep
I've had no spotting or total loss of symptoms. Part of me would feel better if I had some nausea spells, and I have felt a little queasy from time to time but it has always been after I ate way too much or made a bad combination choice. So I dunno. However I am only 6w3d. I hope to soon regret ever typing my barf envy -- but I don't mean YOU Invitro Veritas. All kidding aside, I hope you are feeling better sweetie. I hope I will be able to catch up very soon. Sending love and IF Optimist vibes of support and hope to all on the four winds.
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
20 hours ago
13 comments on "Happily Halfway Home"
I hope you are home safely and I hope to see some u/s pics soon!
welcome toward home and
think of how much more of them-monsters you'll be able to see when you get to peek in soon! (trying to see the positive here)
so, thinking of you-- safe travels and hope your brother continues to heal well. Brave boy for flying-- that would have been hard for me.
Well, am I glad that you are doing fine, and so is your brother. Hope you had a safe trip. Barfing is not necessarily the only plus-sign, nipple colour change and sleepiness are also good signs.
Take care!
Glad to hear your brother was able to get back to his family. Great news!
Yay for continuing symptoms! Can't wait to hear how your first u/s goes when you get back! :)
So glad to hear your brother is on the mend, and you are making your way home. I can't wait to hear about the u/s and how many monsters you have in there!
Very glad that your brother on the mend! Sending prayers for continued healing for him, for safe travels for you, and many many blessings on your little monsters!
Can't wait to see some U/S pics!
I'm glad your bro is on the mend!! Bummer about having to reschedule your u/s, but those symptoms are really good, girlie. Bake away, bake away!
I'm confident I'll be seeing some stellar U/S pics from you very soon. Have a safe rest of your trip home. Bad fatigue was my only symptom in the first trimester, so I think it's a good sign.
Glad your brother's doing so much better!
Thank you dear. I can't wait until you get home and get your damn ultrasound.
You and the monsters have been on my mind...
Glad to hear that you're halfway home and your brother is growing stronger every day!
So happy you arrived on the west safely. I'm sure your brother was grateful to have you with him.
I can't wait for your u/s!! My guess is two monsters.
I don't wish you nausea (mine lasted 17 weeks) but it did make me feel better every morning I woke up and felt like yacking. It meant all was right in my ute and things were growing as they should... so I totally "get" the desire, but secretly wish that you bypass that lovely symptom. :)
Sitting on pins and needles here...waiting for the scoop. Do tell.......please?
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