Burritos and melting in the WiFi void

I am enjoying my visit with friends and family in LA for the most part. I am at my grandparents house in the desert. It is great to see them both. Gramma is 85 and Grampa is 87. They are the sweetest and most caring people I have ever known and being with them is warm and soothing to my soul. My only minor inconveniences are that it was 105 degrees on the outdoor themometer in the shade. Whew.

Did I mention they have no air conditioner? Only fans and a swamp cooler. I took them out during the hottest part of the day for lunch. My other inconvenience is that there is no internet or WiFi. I am writing this entry via my cell phone interface. I can't catch up on your blogs beyond a quick view. It is driving me a bit crazy being out of the loop but I'll be back Tues eve.

I wanted to say thanks to those who offered very valuable advice for talking about the IVF cycle with friends/family IRL.

BreakfastBurrito**Updated**  I enjoyed my lunch with Mom.  I got my awesome breakfast burrito. We headed to my favorite local diner as soon as my rental car hit the driveway. Their fresh salsa was the best I've had so far this year. I love salsa in the summer! I’m waiting for the good tomatoes to come into the farmers market so I can make mine for the year. 

I couldn’t figure out how to add a photo from my cell phone but now that I am on a computer I can share in the deliciousness.  I always get eggs (no meat!), mushrooms, peppers, salsa and hash browns on the inside.  For the outside I get extra salsa and hot sauce too. Mom had french toast.  I love it! 

Stay tuned for The Big Beach Adventure posting on Friday!

2 comments on "Burritos and melting in the WiFi void"

One Who Understands on July 15, 2009 at 8:19 AM said...

No AC!!! Oh my! We just got the internet hooked-up at our new home after almost 2 weeks without it. I don't know how we lived before the web! Enjoy the authentic Mexican food while you can and try to stay cool.

Kate on July 16, 2009 at 4:59 AM said...

welcome back to the internet! I hope your trip has been great in spite of the heat (heat+kate=bitchykate)--- and
it is great to hear your voice always.

thanks for the kind words while I flail about wishing for the best.


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