Countoff Days 3, 2, 1 – Previa Problems

To be totally honest, I had an episode of bleeding over the weekend that DrGav told me to expect.  After the ultrasound in the hospital, they found a pocket of blood and clots just behind my internal os.  His opinion is this is due to my placenta previa moving.  After his diagnosis and letting me know it would happen, about 8 hours later I bled red with clots and then brown spotting and then after a day it stopped.  “OK” I thought, “Good riddance, now I’m done with it.”  They are now classifying this now as a partial previa.  I guess if I am lucky it may move entirely away from my cervix and all bleeding will stop. 

Day 3 was uneventful really.  I just relaxed, watched some TV and did a little writing.  So boring, that I decided to combine it with another day, but that ended up being complicated.

On Day 2 the morning and afternoon were a little dull.  I put myself on a fairly strict bed rest because I had my 2nd class for the Labor and Birth Preparation Multiples in the evening.  I went to the class, it included a little more of the same lame DVD, but it did cover a few things I found somewhat useful in talking about hospital intervention and pain medication policy.  Instead of the 2.5 hours it took, I could have just read it in a FAQ and asked about 2 questions, but that’s just me.  I was uncomfortable and eventually tired and cranky.  I just wanted to go home.  A few hours after I got home, I started to feel crampy and even had a couple of strong contractions.  I went to bed, laying on my left side and drank a couple of glasses of water.  Every hour after midnight I would have a couple of contractions, not enough to go to the hospital, but enough to concern us. I could feel both babies squirming away, with the one on the bottom really having an acrobatic circus in there. Finally at 4:30 am I had some bleeding, it was same as the weekend and after that and since all contractions have gone away. 

I called my ObDoc first thing in the morning on Day 1, they got in touch with DrGav’s office and I was in for an ultrasound in the early afternoon.  The ultrasound confirmed both babies seemed to be doing fine, had nice strong heartbeats.  Placentas seemed fine too and the lower one was moving some more.  A new clot and amount of blood was sitting behind the cerclage stitch (it was still holding strong) but it does make an environment where blood can pool and then clot.  If there is enough to irritate the uterus, that is what cause the contractions.  I am back on medication to prevent contractions and hopefully this bleeding will stop soon.  DrGav will see me again on Tuesday and said that if he sees any more bleeding that makes him concerned, he will check me into the hospital just in case.  He congratulated me for getting to week 24, but reminded me that these next few weeks are critical for the babies.

I didn’t want to just write about doom and gloom and worry.   I didn’t want to keep my mind in that place, so I just skipped blogging and reading.  I found that this doesn’t really work.  I miss giving and getting support.  I’m glad I finished my first important countdown.  I am happy I have made it at least to week 24, but the worry will continue to be with me for many weeks to come.  I will take things extra extra super easy.  I put myself on modified bedrest, I stay on the couch all day until MrBeep gets home.  I am alone most all of my waking hours and I am so lonely sometimes. It’s hard not to dwell on fear and problems and worry.  I try to keep positive and optimistic. I talk to the grrl monsters when they are wiggling around, I let them know how hard I am trying to keep them safe. Now only 14 more weeks to go. ;-) As the universe continues to spin and time ticks forward, I will see each day as a blessing, each week as a triumph. 

21 comments on "Countoff Days 3, 2, 1 – Previa Problems"

jill on March 5, 2010 at 9:57 AM said...

Gah you are really being put through the wringer :( I'm sorry you are having to deal with this and I'm hoping like crazy that things will settle down for you. You should be able to enjoy your long awaited pregnancy! (What is up with this universe?! Stop tormenting her!)

I think of you often and send tons of happy, non-contracting, non-bleeding thoughts! *hug*

Happy 24 weeks! That is definitely something to celebrate! (...gently)

K on March 5, 2010 at 9:58 AM said...

So sorry you've had to deal with all this :(( I am SO happy you reached 24 weeks though. Congratulations on such an important milestone. I can imagine it must get lonely being home all day- I hope you're doing okay- and if it helps to blog about it we're here for you, you know that. for me, writing out my fears helped me release them. thinking of you!

sprogblogger on March 5, 2010 at 10:02 AM said...

Damn previa! Seriously, you sound great & you are totally to be congratulated on getting to 24 weeks. I, too, however, am wishing another 14 weeks for you and the little ones.

With no more contractions. no more bleeding. No more stress!!!

Thinking of you & so glad that all is well.

JJ on March 5, 2010 at 10:12 AM said...

Stooopid previa! So sorry, sweetie. Are you tired of hearing me say, "I know that feeling!"
Each day is a great step in the best direction--your health and the babies health.
BIG hugs to you!

Sunny on March 5, 2010 at 10:16 AM said...

Damn! I really hope this scary stuff stops happening to you. It really gets exhausting.

After hitting viability, I found myself slowly getting less worried, and now I'm getting more worried again as the weeks tick by. I wish I could come over -- we could get out all of our whining and then watch some Wallace and Grommit to cheer ourselves up again.

Pie on March 5, 2010 at 10:18 AM said...

Ok, in the spirit of being positive - Yay for reaching your milestone of 24 weeks! Pat yourself on the back, you are doing so well by your two wiggly grrrls!

Hang in there, take it easy, and know we are here to support you over the next 14 weeks, and beyond.

..Soo.See.. on March 5, 2010 at 11:07 AM said...

Yay for 24 weeks!!! Exciting news! Previa is so sucky! and bedrest too for that matter - but your plan to stay put until the Mr comes home is the best you can do! I was on bedrest too and before HunHun left for work, I'd ask him to bring to my bedside (couchside) my liters of water, something to snack on, bananas and something for breakfast to fill me up (which didn't work very well). Also the laptop and books and remote controls. Lunch was semi-ready for me so all I had to do was get it in the kitchen or warm it up in the micro. Hang in there!!

Anonymous said...

You are amazing. I am so happy you have made it to 24 weeks - and I too hope that the monsters stay put for 14 more weeks. I am sending you wishes for uncomplicated weeks ahead.

Photogrl on March 5, 2010 at 1:08 PM said...

I'm sorry the previa is causing more problems!

Yay for 24 weeks!

We'll be right here with you, counting down the next 14 weeks!

Kate on March 5, 2010 at 4:01 PM said...

Congratulations on viability and some wiggling monsters!
DH kept telling me to quit torturing myself on the internet with preterm labour and incompetent cervix and other blog reading, but writing my blog and reading the comments and following the blogs of others going through the same sort of thing ahead of me was actually helpful. As were the harlequin romance novels kindly supplied by my building's laundry room sharing library. And eating and drinking lots. Hope the previas clear completely and the bleeding stops so that your poor uterus can decide to be less irritated with life. And monsters? You'd better behave in there!

Anonymous said...

Yay for 24 weeks! Though I'm sorry that you're having to deal with some scary stuff. Keeping you in my thoughts!

Loving my socks btw - they are nothing short of fantastic! Wore "The Goddess of Good Fortune" to my IUI this morning!!

Mrs. Gamgee on March 5, 2010 at 8:45 PM said...
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Mrs. Gamgee on March 5, 2010 at 8:48 PM said...

Ooops... sorry 'bout that. Here's what I meant to say...

I wish I could just pop over with a movie and some decaf lattes or something...

In answer to your question, yes you were generally thinking in the right areas. In our area there's more cattle and soy & canola fields. The wheat is further south and east of us.

Sending prayers that the next few weeks will pass quickly and UNEVENTFULLY. ((hugs))

Jules on March 6, 2010 at 2:27 AM said...

Bleeding is scary. I had a big bleed at 21wks & I thought it might loose my two, but they are here.

Good Luck for the next 14wks. Just take every week as another milestone.

One Who Understands on March 6, 2010 at 9:19 AM said...

Yeah for making it to 24 weeks! You've done good! I really hope that the bleeding stops and you can finally have a few weeks of rest and no more worry.

We all need the love and support don't we. I stayed away for a little bit just because I was so sick and realized how much I needed all my IF sisters through all of the insanity. Hoping your little monsters keep getting stronger and stronger.

K on March 6, 2010 at 3:57 PM said...

Well welcome to 24 weeks and congrats. You are doing the right thing by staying down, I think. At 24 weeks my peri told me (only half jokingly) to go hide in a cave for 4 weeks. Which is pretty much what I've done.I haven't even felt like blogging. The time will fly by. But I am sorry you feel lonely during the day. When I started to be able to see the babies kick and my belly move (about 24 weeks) I found I could pass sometimes hours in a day just watching them and giggling. Maybe I'm easily entertained but I have been awestruck by it and it kills time in between my own feedings. The other big event in my day. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a scare! I'm so glad you and the little ones are ok and hangin' in there!

Agra on March 6, 2010 at 8:06 PM said...
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Phoebe on March 7, 2010 at 12:18 PM said...

Congratulations on getting to 24. I really want you to get many more weeks above your belt, and I'm sure you do too! I'm glad you are talking to the monsters. Let them know that as excited as they want to come into the world, they need to be a little more patient and get bigger before they are ready to meet you. I'm sorry you have to spend your days alone, but hope this message will give you some comfort. Love and hugs to you...

Kate on March 8, 2010 at 7:03 PM said...

hoping you are ok Love,
thinking about you and the monsters and sending love

G$ on March 9, 2010 at 7:11 AM said...

I'm thinking about you a lot and the grrl monsters. If you get lonely, I am in Seattle, I can visit and stare at your super pg belly :)

Hang in there, you and the grrls!



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