Day 6 isn't done yet, but I wanted to post an update. We took a look at the grrl monsters via ultrasound and both babies and sacs are perfectly normal. Both have plenty of fluid, I haven't had any other bad spells since Thursday night. DrGav did the ultrasound and saw a blood clot behind the internal os of the cervix. He thinks this may have caused the bleeding and watery leakage because some clots as they are compressed can express excess water and plasma. I know, eww gross TMI. Also the previa is still moving and created a pocket for that clot and liquid to pool. Hopefully it will be gone soon (damned pesky thing). DrGav did emphasize that the next 5 weeks are really critical for the babies, so I will take it VERY EASY. MrBeep is a happy grinning little sweetie. I am overjoyed.
More on day 6 later. :-)
Old Digital Books
1 day ago
13 comments on "Countoff Day 6 - Released from Hospital AOK"
I'm so glad things are doing OK. My heart stopped when I saw your last post!
Woohoo!!! Go, go, go! Quietly, on the couch of course, but you go girl! Good job cervix! *High fives* all around to every person, place or thing that keeps the monsters safe. Holding you close in our hearts always.
Oh such a relief! And, btw, never too much information. I'm fascinated by what you've shared about your previa, and I'm sure others are, too. SO GLAD MONSTERS ARE WELL!!! (And you too, of course!)
Well, I am hoping the anxiety alleviates, and all turns out sunny at the other end of these five weeks. All the best....
Hooray!!! You can do this... bedrest is tough but the results are sooo worth it. Glad everything is looking good!!
Oh. My. Gosh.
I'm so sorry for your scary episode. I'm SO glad that the babes are doing just fine. You are doing GREAT and the babes are doing great. I am thinking of you as you wade through the next five weeks!
(And yes, Susan is right, no TMI in this little section of the world.)
Excellent news! Go away previa, and go away bleeding for good. Please.
Whew! So glad you are all ok. Now go rest, feet up, and relax.
OK, it's been a busy week for me so forgive me for not commenting. It scared the poop out of me to read "hospital" on the first post I saw. WOW. I am so glad you are doing OK and the girlies are still growing strong and kicking the crap out of mom. Thinking of you!!
I also went to the hospital around 22 weeks because I thought I was leaking amniotic fluid. (I had been on bedrest at home for about a week for IC). They also found no sign of amniotic fluid. My doctor explained that with the high hormone levels of a twin pregnancy you tend to produce a lot of secretions and that when you spend a lot of time lying down it tends to pool up, so you can feel like you have a lot of fluid coming out when you do get up and moving around. Once I understood that I worried a lot less. Kind of TMI, but by then end of my pregnancy I had a LOT of dampness going on down there!
I am so glad that you and the monsters are doing ok. I know that it is hard to keep the bad thoughts away. Get your self an inspiring or funny book that you can look at during the night to distract yourself from the bad. Good thoughts, good energy. Take care.
I'm SO glad to see that everything is okay and you're home now!
Let Mr. Beep take care of you...
Grow, little monsters, grow!
grinning too :)
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