14 weeks – Christmas Meme

Several of you lovely folks out there have posted the Christmas Meme and I have loved it.  I thought I would use it for today.  I hope you are having a good day with those you love the most, because really that’s all that ever matters.  The sun is shining through my window, the color is so radiant and golden and warm.  Today I am at 14 weeks -- 2nd Trimester. I love you my monsters.

milk_32oz_eggnog_UHT_02 1. Eggnog or Hot Chocolate?
OK, hot chocolate is for sureseys absolutely wonderful…BUT…during the holidays, I wants me some eggnog.  I can get hot chocolate any time, I can make a fabulous hot chocolate, but there is no way my lazy ass is going to make eggnog.  When the season comes around, I buy my favorite brand too.  Organic Valley.  Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.  I always require a dash of fresh nutmeg grind and except for this year (being up the duff and all) I alternate between bourbon and dark rum for a little warm boozy goodness.

2. Wrapping paper or gift bags?
I like wrapping paper because there’s a little more suspense and no peeking!  I don’t like the waste of paper and would some day like to figure out a way to make wrapping from pre-sewn cloth squares and velcro strips/drawstrings.

3. Real tree or artificial?
I love real trees, but MrBeep doesn’t.  He makes a good point by how much mess they make when the needles fall all over the place and they are a fire hazard.  I did splurge and get a decent artificial tree when it was on 75% off mega sale last year.  It’s pretty and very convenient and I can leave it up until after New Years which is nice…but I’d still rather have a real tree.

4. Colored lights on tree/house or white?
I like colored lights, but was on bed rest during decorating season, so we have no lights outside this year. :-(

5. How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
I have these little red glass hearts in matte and shiny, with copper colored beads that wrap around and a copper shiny skirt.  I have these pinecone clusters arranged in various places on the tree and the rest is decorated with all different kinds of ornaments.  We have dragons and penguins playing hockey, a panda bear taking a ride on a zeppelin, a skiing frog, the grinch, Seattle space needle bulbs, a pharaoh’s head and we always get a couple of bags of lindor chocolates that have the shiny wrapping, we put those on the tree like ornaments too.

6. Do you hang mistletoe?
No, but now that you mention it, that would be cool.

7. Do you have a nativity scene?

8. Mail or email Christmas cards?
Ehhhhhh…I always mean to do it and then life gets in the way.  I do manage a few New Years cards.

9. What is your favorite holiday dish?
All.  Bring it on, I’m not picky.

10. Favorite Holiday memory as a child?
I always liked going out to pick out the Christmas tree.  We generally didn’t have one or decorate the house when I was a kid because we always went somewhere else on Christmas Eve and Day, but every now and then we got a tree and when we did, I was pretty happy.

11. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
We had put out milk and cookies for Santa one year when I was 7 or so.  I wrote Santa a letter thanking him for coming to the house and telling him that I hope he liked the cookies I baked.  The next day, Santa wrote on the back of the note thanking me for the cookies and that they were delicious…it was in my Dad’s handwriting. 

12. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
No, but I have no problem if someone wanted to.  We are generally at home alone relaxing on Christmas Eve.

13. Snow! Love it or Dread it?
Are you kidding?!?  I love snow.  I’m from LA and never had a “White Christmas” growing up.  Now that I live in Seattle, the possibility is there, but we never get enough to be terribly inconvenient.

14. Have you ever recycled a gift?
Rarely.  I’m fairly allergic to things like scented candles, lotions with perfume and the like.  A few times when I have received a very nice quality gift like that I have added it in with the gift I’ve already purchased as a bonus.  Why let it go to waste?  Most people aren’t sensitive to it like I am.

15. What’s the most important thing about the Holidays for you?
Just being with family and friends.  Having a time of year when everyone takes a few extra moments to wish you cheer and joy in your heart.  I like that.

16. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert?
Apple pie or Pear Tart with Cinnamon ice cream.  I made an eggnog bread pudding last year that was really fabulous.  I’m not a huge chocolate dessert fan.

17. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Cooking dinner for my loved ones and then sitting around the table to enjoy it together.  Love that.

18. What tops your tree?
A shiny silver ornament that looks like a miniature spiral galaxy.

19. Favorite Christmas Show?
Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas, with Boris Karloff narrating and singing.  MrBeep sometimes calls me Cindy Lou Whoo.

20. Saddest Christmas Song?
Grandma got run over by a reindeer, it’s so sad what happend to that old lady.  Brings a tear to my eye every time.

21. What is your favorite Christmas Holiday Song?
Hard to pick.  I like “A Christmas Song” sung by Nat King Cole, “White Christmas” sung by Bing Crosby, “Silver and Gold” sung by Burl Ives and of course “Christmas Is” sung by Lou Rawls

11 comments on "14 weeks – Christmas Meme"

Kate on December 25, 2009 at 2:38 PM said...

I've heard that in Japan, they use big fabric squares that they tie around presents in lieu of wrapping paper. I'm thinking I may try that next year. Could find some cheap Christmassy fabric and some cute ribbons, and go wild.

FET Accompli on December 25, 2009 at 10:08 PM said...

Merry Christmas!!! Congrats on being at 14 weeks - definitely in the second trimester!!

Apologies that I have been so very delinquent posting comments (things have been wonderful but hectic!!)

..al on December 26, 2009 at 1:40 AM said...

First of all, a very Merry Xmas!

Secondly, lovely meme!

Thirdly, I love love love your new template...It is so winter, so Christmas, and so cool!!!

All the best!

Kate on December 26, 2009 at 5:32 PM said...

Love your new theme,
14 weeks is blowing my mind.
Happy happy happy second trimester!
I love this totally.

Wishing you cheer and joy in your heart

Pie on December 27, 2009 at 7:43 AM said...

Merry belated Christmas! You're at 14 weeks! My, how time flies! I hope you're doing well.

K on December 27, 2009 at 12:55 PM said...

Happy second trimester and welcome! You are only 2 weeks behind me! Pretty darn cool.

Sunny on December 28, 2009 at 5:47 PM said...

Woo hoo! Doing the Happy Dance for the start of your second trimester. It's a wobbly, waddly dance, but I'm doing it nevertheless. :) I am so so SUPER duper excited for you.

Love the festive background on your blog, too!

Ann on December 29, 2009 at 7:30 AM said...

Happy 14 Weeks!! Wow time flies! So excited for you and Mr Beep!

Kate on December 29, 2009 at 8:48 AM said...

thinking of you
and hoping
all is well

Mad Hatter on December 30, 2009 at 12:19 PM said...

Great Christmas post...Yay for 14 weeks! Can't wait for the next US!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall on January 1, 2010 at 3:47 AM said...

I got the first 6 yes,

artificial tree,
wrap gifts and

Happy New Year!

in case you want to visit,


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