Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr <sigh> Pass the nachos.


I tried.  Really I did.  The advice on when to get my ultrasound basically fell into two categories:

  1. Call RE and schedule ultrasound for Friday, get it off my mind, hopefully MrBeep can make it.
  2. Hang out until Sunday afternoon, MrBeep guaranteed to be there, get answer.

Easy ‘nuff said, right?  MrBeep checked his schedule and could make a Friday afternoon appointment if there was one free.  I called on Thursday and they were very apologetic, but said they didn’t have any available openings on Friday afternoon at all.  Saturday after 11 am was an option for them, but not for me.  So Sunday afternoon it would be right?  Nope.  A RE Nurse called on Friday afternoon and explained that my Sunday appointment would have to be cancelled because DrKAwesome would be busy with procedures all day.  Now this may seem odd, but my RE’s office is a smaller practice and the patients who need egg retrievals and transfers done that precise day take precedence over a non-time critical OB ultrasound.  This was explained to me before the Sunday appointment was made.  I am so happy for those other patients who have gotten to the point of retrieval/transfer that I totally understand.  I want them to be really busy with good news, it means they are doing a great job for their patients.  I want that success for everyone. 


So where does that leave me?  I have an appointment on Monday at 11:00 am with DocO for my OB ultrasound, this weekday appointment won’t be cancelled.  MrBeep will be there with me and we’ll know for sure what is going on. And here’s the crazy part.  I am totally OK with it.  I am fine.  One day later is one day further along and hopefully we will get good news.  The later you see good results the better your chances.  My symptoms continue to be minor but steady, so hopefully that is good news and not just progesterone. I skipped out on helping my friend pack and move (she’ll understand when I explain sometime in the future), I will enjoy my time out tonight with wonderful family, great food and fun football (Wolverines vs. Buckeyes…GO WOLVERINES!!!!) 

I am smart enough to skirt uncomfortable questions, right?  Here I am practicing:

How are things with the cycle?  Good.

What’s going on?  Y’know. Working on it. Doing all we can. (eyes watching football)

Your friend M had her kid (blah blah details, etc.)  That’s great, tell her I said congrats. (eyes watching football)

Do you want a beer?  No thanks. 

C’mon, its a special brew.  Sounds yummy but I’m taking medicine that says no alcohol.  I brought delicious Vernor’s ginger ale.  Do you want one?

How about a cup of coffee?  No thanks.  It will keep me up and I’m totally stuffed full.

More digging questions of various uncomfortable kinds.  SHUT THE HELL UP!  Watch the dang football game.  Pass the nachos.

I’m ready.  ;-)

6 comments on "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr <sigh> Pass the nachos."

Pie on November 21, 2009 at 3:13 PM said...

Oh man. You are made of steel. You will be an unflappable mommy.

I am waiting on pins and needles with you, and will happily needle anyone who continues to ask nosy questions.


Kate on November 21, 2009 at 6:08 PM said...

good lord Traci, so you win the prize for sanity in the face of all good reasons to freak out, so I bow to you.
I was just sending you a note on my mini mac (THANK YOU) and thought maybe I should check in first and am glad I did.

So you, slow but steady sounds ok to me. I hope you have a great sunday with Mr B, and that monday brings good news so we can all exhale. you know, because it is all about us.
Thinking of you almost non-stop and wishing for happy news.
love kate

Mrs. Gamgee on November 21, 2009 at 6:20 PM said...

Well, you did what you could... I will say it sucks that your appointment got bumped (even if it was for a good reason).

I'm glad MrBeep will be able to be with you on Monday. I will be sending prayers and thinking of you!

Enjoy your football game (and your awesome game plan)!

Kate on November 21, 2009 at 9:18 PM said...

Hope the question-dodging went well. May you have a nice quiet Sunday, and let your patience be rewarded by a fantastic ultrasound on Monday!

jill on November 21, 2009 at 10:04 PM said...

Hah! Sounds like you've got it covered :) I wish you lots of luck and strength!

roztime on November 22, 2009 at 1:52 PM said...

Nice practicing, think I need to do the same (with IF questions), I'm nowhere near the calm you project!
Crossing my fingers for your Monday appt!


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