Hello my friends. I am sorry that I haven’t been able to write, but it was a crazy week. I went into the hospital on Sunday with contractions and our babies were born Monday, April 12, 2010 at 10:31 am and 10: 34 am. :-) I will not go into all of the details of what happened in this post. I just want to celebrate that they are here, very healthy and are growing and improving every day. I have been able to hold and snuggle each one of them, they are perfect and precious, but are just wee little babes who will need some support and time to grow.
MrBeep has been incredible. Through everything, no matter how scary, he was my rock. He went with the babies, on my request, and stayed with them while they were being tended to by the NICU staff. He came back to the OR, kissed me and told me everything I needed to know. He comforted me during the worst of the storm. I will be forever grateful for his love, strength and kindness.
I'm doing very good. Physically I did excellent with the emergency c-section and while I am a little tired, my pain levels are low and I can walk around, get up, etc. without much discomfort. I have only taken a few ibuprofen a day, no need for anything stronger. I'm not trying to be superwoman, I just am not in much pain.
The wee babes are doing very well (all things considered). They are 100% breathing on their own without any support. Their IVs will be out tomorrow. They will also be on 100% breast milk by tomorrow. The NICU staff started them with just colostrum and IV fluids, eventually transitioning to all mothers milk. They increase the milk every day and decreasing the other fluids. They are tolerating the milk in their tummies just fine. They are adding weight and we hope will continue to grow and do better every day.
They were both born at 17" long. One was 3 lbs 3 oz at birth and the other was 3 lbs 5 oz at birth. They were officially at 29 weeks and 3 days. We've got a lot of growing and developing to do, but will take each day at a time until it is time to go home. We don’t have names picked out just yet, but have narrowed the list quit a lot and should have their names picked out this week. For now, we still just call them Wiggles and Pip.
The neonatologist doctors at the hospital tell us they are doing great, the nurses too. Docs said to estimate that they will go home around their due date, this should be mid-June. Keep us in your good thoughts and prayers. Thank you for checking on me. I would get a few updates on my phone, but had no easy way to communicate in the hospital. Here are a couple of photos and video. My little girls have sweet faces, adorable expressions, and big blue eyes.
Baby A – aka “Wiggles” she looks just like her Daddy’s baby photos. She has his nose.
Baby B – aka “Pip” looks like her Mommy’s baby photos. She has my nose (poor kid)
Some times I just pour tears of relief and joy when I watch them. Like sunshine through the clouds on a stormy day, they swell my heart until I feel I may burst with overwhelming love. The universe has so much in store, we never know how our lives unfold, but today I thank the universe for my sweetie love girls and my wonderful MrBeep.